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What causes Recurrent Miscarriages

What causes Recurrent Miscarriages?

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What causes Recurrent Miscarriages

What causes Recurrent Miscarriages?

A Miscarriage can be a heart breaking event, for any young couple, more so if it is recurrent. Thankfully, globally only 1 percent of women are affected by this, the word 'recurrent' used to denote at least 3 pregnancies that did not continue to full term.

On the brighter side, even after 3 miscarriages, a woman has 60 to 80 percent chance of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy. In the case of recurrent miscarriages, it is recommended that one undergoes a blood test, as also a test known as karyotyping. In this case, the fetus is tested for abnormalities, in the chromosomes.

It should be noted that miscarriages, can also be caused due to fibroid tumors or small polyps. Yet the principal reasons of miscarriages are either chromosomal abnormalities in the pregnancy, or immunological abnormalities in the mother.

The steps involved to prevent recurrent miscarriages, would be to quit smoking, limit the consumption of Caffeine, screen for STD's , take folic acid and get tested for diabetes.

It's been seen that recurrent early miscarriages are commonly due to genetic or chromosomal problems, with 50-80 percent of spontaneous losses having abnormal chromosomal number.

In fact structural problems of the uterus, can also play a role in early miscarriage. What is interesting to note is that about 60 percent of all miscarriages, occur at random.

A Spontaneous miscarriage apparently occurs when an embryo receives an unusual amount of chromosomes, during fertilization. This happens by chance and medically there is no real way to prevent this. Having said that, the older the chronological age of an expectant mother, the greater the risk of a miscarriage.

What causes Recurrent Miscarriages

As sad as it is, miscarriages are in fact quite common. Statistically, miscarriages occur in about 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies. Miscarriages usually take place in the first trimester and in some cases, in the first 3 weeks of pregnancy.

In the tragic case of a late miscarriage, this might occur due to autoimmune problems, uterine abnormalities or incompetent cervix.

For a couple eager to become parents, it is recommended that they wait 3 months for the uterus to heal and cycles to get back to normal, before another pregnancy is attempted. In fact the WHO recommends waiting for at least 6 months, before putting the female body through the rigors of pregnancy.

In the final analysis, it can be said that at some level, birth and death are really not in our hands as much as we would like to believe, otherwise. There is this beautiful phrase coined that says "at some point, we will all cross that rainbow bridge" and this is but the truth of life. In fact on social media, there were these series of posts celebrating "rainbow children" or the babies lost through miscarriage.

A miscarriage might be due to health issues of the body, yet the ramifications of a miscarriage on one's mind can be huge. Depression, hopelessness, the feeling of losing a loved one, these are just some of the many emotions a young couple might go through and hence in such a case, one ought to consult with Dr. Sarada, at the earliest.

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