Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad
Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad

Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad

Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad

Normal Delivery

Normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, refers to childbirth through natural processes upon completion of full term, without medical intervention. In comparison with other methods of childbirth like induced labour or c-section, normal delivery is considered to be the simplest kind of delivery process.

Dr. Sarada Mamilla, the best gynaecologist & obstetrician in Hyderabad, is an expert in delivering babies through vaginal birth. She always encourages patients to choose normal delivery while effectively managing complications if any. She has delivered over 1000 babies through normal childbirth process.

Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad

What are the stages of Normal Delivery?

STAGE 1: Early and active labour

The first stage begins with uterine Contractions. This may initially last about 30 seconds & can occur every 15 to 20 minutes. Gradually the contractions increase to longer durations & higher frequency with just 3 to 5 min apart.

In this phase, some women tend to experience false labour. This is especially true in women with the first child. These generally reduce when mother begins walking around. But in case of real labour pains, they increase with walking. Further, mothers may also experience bloody discharge being expelled from the cervix.

  • Early labour: During the process of early labour, the mother experiences irregular contractions while the cervix dilates and contracts regularly. The longevity of this stage depends on whether the person in labour is going to deliver for the first time.
  • Active labour: During this phase, the mother's cervix dilates up to 6-10 cm, which is a definite sign that the period of delivery is around the corner. At this point your doctor may recommend you take lukewarm baths and gently massage between the contractions to speed up the process.

STAGE 2: Pushing & Delivery of the Baby

The second stage involves movement of the baby through the birth canal. This phase can last anywhere between ten to forty minutes. At this point the mother experiences contractions between two to three minutes. The mother pushes & relaxes as directed by the doctor until the head is delivered first. Then the baby is rotated so that one shoulder come through first and then the other shoulder. The rest of the body passes through more easily.

STAGE 3: Delivery of the Placenta

This is the final step for normal delivery in that the doctor removes the placenta from the uterus after the mother has delivered the baby. It normally takes 5-20 minutes for the obstetrician to remove the placenta through the birth canal. It is common for women to experience mild contractions symptoms even after the delivery, which eventually ceases after taking proper medications recommended by the gynaecologist. This stage is relatively painless.

What are the benefits of normal delivery?

Best Doctor For Normal Delivery in Hyderabad

As the Best Doctor for Normal Delivery, Dr Sarada Mamilla, always encourages her patients to choose normal delivery wherever possible. Here are the many benefits of normal or natural childbirth:

  • Faster recovery
  • Lower risk of infection for both baby and the Mother
  • Shorter hospital stay - 24 to 48 hours
  • Lower risk of respiratory problems as the labour contractions help prepare the baby's lungs for breathing
  • Normal delivery stimulates lactation
  • Boosted immune system resulting from transfer of natural bacteria & microbes of vagina

How can a mother to prepare for a normal delivery?

During the initial phase of your pregnancy, consider taking childbirth classes to gain more confidence to go into labour & delivery.

Speak to your doctor about your options for managing pain from relaxation techniques to medications like epidural blocks. Understand about the complications that may occur during labour & delivery.

Keep yourself hydrated, get enough rest & eat lightly as the labour begins. Find ways of keeping yourself calm, relaxed & positive. Feelings of anxiety, fear & tension can lead to adrenaline rush & slow down the labour process.

As contractions get stronger & increase in frequency & duration, call your doctor & get to the hospital.

Dr. Sarada Mamilla is one of the senior most gynaecologists in Hyderabad & offers the best possible pregnancy care for women.

When is a vaginal delivery not recommended?

Due to possible health risks for mother, child or both, sometimes doctors may ask the patient to avoid vaginal deliveries. Some such risks include:

  • Complete Placenta Previa
  • Herpes Virus with active lesions
  • Untreated HIV infection
  • More than one or two previous c-section deliveries or uterine surgeries

In such cases cesarean delivery is the preferred alternative. As an experienced & highly skilled laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Sarada Mamilla is the best doctor for cesarean delivery.

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