Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad
Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

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Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

Our Services

Preterm Labour

Also known as premature labour, preterm labour is a condition wherein your body gets ready for birth before the due date. In preterm labour is the patient experiences severe contractions, which open up the cervix much earlier than the actual delivery date.

Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

Normal Delivery

Dr Sarada always encourages her patients to choose normal delivery while effectively managing complications if any. She has delivered over 1000 babies through normal childbirth process.

Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

C Section

C-section is a procedure by which a baby is delivered, making surgical incisions in the walls of the abdomen and uterus. Dr. Sarada Mamilla, is skilled in successfully performing c-section.

Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

High Risk Obstetrics

A woman is said to have a high risk pregnancy when she or her baby or both are at an increased risk of health complications during or after delivery. Special care & expertise is required to ensure women with high risk pregnancy have a safe & healthy delivery.

Best Gynecologist for Normal Delivery In Hyderabad

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